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In favor of in a sentence

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Sentence count:163+4Posted:2017-04-06Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: in favorin favourin favour ofproSimilar words: in favour ofunfavorablefavorfavoredfavoritefavorableparty favorunfavourableMeaning: adv. favoring a proposition, opinion, etc.;. 
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91 League sources said the suit was filed and then withdrawn in favor of the arbitration hearing.
92 He was in favor of a autocratic monarchy.
93 He offered to testify in favor of the accused.
94 I am in favor of woman's suffrage.
95 Are you in favor of soaking the rich?
96 He will testify in favor of the defendent.
97 While hairbrained continues to be used, it should be avoided in favor of harebrained which has been established as the correct spelling.
98 The mass of public opinion is in favor of no - fault auto insurance.
99 The utility model installs the spray nozzle, which is capable of adjusting the concentration of the material inside the tank body and in favor of outflowing of the material.
100 That is an argument not only in favor of abortion, but also for the therapeutic cloning.
101 Why everyman be in favor of the privacy of the famous persons?
102 In light of project of human capital demand in favor of sustainable development, a new multi-year lag input-holding-output model with excluding idle capital is developed.
103 During more and more open pit transiting to concavity open mining, people make much account of the study on the best slope mechanical configuration,( favor of.html) which in favor of the stability of concavity slope.
104 Here, three Santas forego their sleighs in favor of an underground commute.
105 The steady state theory has been abandoned in favor of the big bang theory.
106 Mr. Murray, I know that you're organizing a protest march in favor of the farmers.
107 But he says many members may vote in favor of it, because China has not taken enough measures to rein in the trade gap.
108 It can be a difficult pitch, but a critical one if you want investors to embrace smaller financial returns in favor of the larger social good.
109 A leisurely process of decision - making creates a presumption in favor of eventual inaction.
110 The death of rat does not result from secretion, the period of warm ischemia is cut as short as possible. Livability and survival quality is advanced, which are in favor of experiment.
111 Kimball continued to roll up the score in favor of conservatives.
112 The mild-mannered politician is in favor of resolving Iran's nuclear row with the West through talks,[] an analyst said.
113 Gomez says she is in favor of health insurance reform.
114 How can we encourage children to be self-disciplined, and at the same time guard against children completely forfeiting their goals in favor of the goals of teachers, parents and coaches?
115 Prime Minister seemed occasionally to bypass him in favor of more unorthodox channels.
116 We have instructed our bank to open an irrevocable documentary letter of credit in your favor ( in favor of you ).
117 Japan Airlines (JAL) decided Wednesday to dump its partnership with American Airlines and its Oneworld alliance in favor of Delta and the SkyTeam group of carriers.
118 Inevitably, impatience will also overwhelm whatever high-minded arguments we might make in favor of the well-being of future generations.
119 Several economic arguments can be made in favor of wilderness preservation.
120 It is an inarguable fact that today's society has happily thrown its former opinions and values to the wind in favor of a more flamboyant lifestyle.
More similar words: in favour ofunfavorablefavorfavoredfavoritefavorableparty favorunfavourablefavorite sonfavourfavourablesavorcurry favourcavortsavoryflavorunsavoryendeavorinfantinfamyin factrainfallinfantryomnivorousherbivorousinfamouscarnivorousinfallibleinfatuateinsectivorous
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